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This is a Tree Arborvitae Green Giant

Green Giant

SKU: 0015
    • Hardiness Zones: the green giant arborvitae can be expected to grow in Hardiness Zones 5–7
    • Mature Size: the green giant arborvitae grows to a height of 50–60' and a spread of 12–20' at maturity.
    • Growth Speed FastGrowth Rate : this tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year.
    • Sun Preference: full sun and partial shade are best for this tree, meaning it prefers a minimum of four hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day.
    • Soil Preference :the green giant arborvitae tolerates a wide range of soil textures. Poorly drained and wet sites should be avoided, and it is very salt-sensitive.
    • Attributes:
    • Will grow up to 3' per year until maturity.
    • Darkens or bronzes slightly in the winter.
    • Requires little or no pruning but can be sheared easily if necessary.
    • Should be planted 5–6' apart for a screen or hedge.
    • Is a public domain tree, meaning anyone can propagate it from cuttings.
    • Has no serious disease or pest problems.
    • Features tiny, scale-like, glossy green leaves that are packed closely together in overlapping rows on divided branchlets, displaying in a flattened, fan-like spray.
    • Yields 1/2" long oblong cones that emerge green in the summer and turn brown in the winter.
    • Releases a pleasing aroma when leaves are squeezed.
    • Tolerates wind once established and withstands heavy ice or snow, making it a good choice for a fast-growing windbreak.
    • Shows better resistance to browsing by deer than most arborvitae.
    • Grows in a pyramidal shape.



Address: 328 Sand Pit Rd, Aberdeen, NC 28315

Phone: (910) 944-1460



Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 5 PM
​Saturday - 8 AM - 12 PM

Sunday: Closed



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